MPower Services
MPower shall always strive to empower people with developmental disabilities.
Known as 'Stillwater's happiest workplace', MPower's clients thoroughly enjoy the opportunity to go to work everyday! The agency's comprehensive vocational services consist of job development, training and placement at various Stillwater businesses and entities. These include: Department of Transportation, Hideaway Pizza, Stillwater Public Schools, City of Stillwater, Payne County Administration Building, Stillwater Multi Arts Center, Oklahoma State University Braum's, McDonald's, Red Lobster, and the YMCA. The onsite production floor also provides piecework for Ocean Dental, CREC, Hydrofoam Technologies, Conoco Phillips and National Standard.
Established in 1969, MPower currently provides services in Payne County to 126 individuals with developmental disabilities. This United Way Agency provides a supportive environment for vocational, residential, therapeutic and recreational services.
MPower's residential services provide training for independent living, health care coordination, financial management, continued education and transportation. In all facets of MPower's services, the agency's primary goals are to promote dignity, independence and a positive quality of life for each of it's clients.
Management Staff
Amy Spiva, Executive Director
Sherry Davis, Business Office Manager
Christy Mullins, Vocational Manager
Danielle Santiago, Residential Manager
Board of Trustees
Tom Logan, Chairperson
Pam Carpenter, Vice-Chairperson
Brenda Dawes, Secretary
Dara Beasley, Treasurer
Milissa Gofourth, Trustee
Marcia Karns, Trustee
Caroline Lewis, Trustee
Mattlin Martin, Trustee
Rachel Shreffler, Trustee

We're Family!
A Proud agency of United Way

M P o w e r
Sheltered Employment
Community Work Crews
MPower clients earn income by packaging items for local businesses.

MPower provides contract labor in the Stillwater Community.