Residential Services
Residential services are provided in the client’s home and the community.
With the support from our residential staff, the clients we serve gain life skills, such as, self-care, housekeeping, shopping, money management, meal planning and preparation, community/leisure and much more. We also offer transportation services in order to enable the individuals served to gain access to community. Our goal is to increase each individual’s independence and community inclusion through staff supports, thus enhancing each client's quality of life.
Services Provided:
Supported Living - The Supported Living program is only available to former Hissom Memorial Center residents. Service recipients typically live with one or two other service recipients in a rental home, with MPower providing the necessary staffing, transportation and other support services.
In-Home Supports - These waiver services allow individuals and families to select services necessary for each individual to remain in his/her own home or family home.
Daily Living Supports - This program is designed for 3 – 4 individuals sharing a residence with authorized staffing hours averaging 8 hours a day per individual. All expenses are split among the residents.

We're Family!
A Proud agency of United Way

M P o w e r
Sheltered Employment
Community Work Crews
MPower clients earn income by packaging items for local businesses.

MPower provides contract labor in the Stillwater Community.