Services FAQ
How do I become eligible for services? MPower serves persons ages 3 and up who have a primary diagnosis of intellectual disabilities. In addition to intellectual disabilities, persons served may also have other developmental disabilities such as autism, cerebral palsy, down syndrome, etc. You must be at least 18 years of age to access our Vocational Services.
How do I apply for services? MPower is funded by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services- Developmental Disabilities Services (OKDHS-DDS). Your first step is to make application through their agency. Click on the OKDHS-DDS link to obtain information regarding eligibility and to complete their online application.
You must also complete MPower's Application for Services. This can be submitted online or you can print and submit it by mail or in person.
Is transportation provided to and from work? MPower can provide transportation to individuals in the Vocational Program. Feel free to contact our office, at (405)377-0834, to inquire about availability. Transportation also is available through the OSU Paratransit.
How much and when do I get paid? Section 14(c) of the FLSA allows MPower to pay wages below the federal minimum to employees who have disabilities that directly affect their job performance. MPower is able to do this through a special minimum wage certificate obtained from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division. All employees completing jobs on the production floor are paid a piece rate; therefore each employee is paid for each unit of production at a fixed rate. Employees working on a Community Work Crew, are paid an hourly commensurate wage. Their rate of pay is determined upon completion of a time-study. Every 6 months, MPower evaluates the productivity of each worker who is paid an hourly commensurate to ensure accuracy.
All employees are paid on a bi-weekly basis.
Are services provided based on my personal needs? A Plan of Care is developed annually for each individual receiving services through our agency. Using a person-centered planning approach, the team assesses the needs of the individual, and develops a plan to address those needs.
When will I work? Our work schedule is Monday-Friday, 8:30 am - 3:30 pm. If shorter work days are needed, arrangements can be made based on individual need.
What holidays does MPower observe?
New Years Day (January 1st)
Martin Luther King Day (3rd Monday in January)
President's Day (3rd Monday in February)
Good Friday (Friday before Easter)
Memorial Day (Last Monday in May)
Independence Day (July 4th)
Labor Day (1st Monday in September)
Thanksgiving (Wednesday- Friday, 4th week of November)
Christmas (Christmas Eve & Christmas Day)
Working with MPower FAQ
What about liability for our workers? Our personnel are covered by a worker's compensation policy just like any other employee working in Stillwater. MPower personnel are not defined or construed as employees under our contracts, thus the contractor is not liable for injury.
Do we adhere to OSHA standards? All safety standards applicable to certain work tasks are maintained either with the personnel or through job coach supervision.
What about liability for the quality of work performed? Production managers, work crew supervisors, and job coaches are responsible for overseeing the quality and efficiency of our production and services. MPower also maintains general liability insurance.
How do we price the services? We have a variety of different contracts, priced in a variety of ways. We are happy to negotiate price per piece, hourly or contract based pricing. All contracts are paid monthly, regardless of the formula of remuneration.
How is the cost/maintenance of equipment and/or materials or collateral items dealt with in contracts? For assembly and manufacturing, we are often provided raw and/or other materials by our contractors, including glues, tapes, and other items necessary to execute the final product. We have some basic manufacturing and processing equipment, such as, heat sealers, industrial shredders, shrink wrap machines, but are also provided with specialty equipment by the contractors when needed (e.g., a previous mowing contract included the use of equipment owned and maintained by the contractor).
Is the production floor at capacity? No. We can always use more projects. Our individuals work carefully, and are keenly focused on routine tasks. They are very accurate and quick.
Do we have special needs for onsite projects? No. Our personnel enjoy being integrated in the community and workforce. They work alongside skilled workers in many of our on-site project locations.

We're Family!
A Proud agency of United Way

M P o w e r
Day of Caring
Community Work Crews
Bank SNB volunteered their time to make improvements at MPower

MPower provides contract labor in the Stillwater Community.